Wednesday 29 February 2012

Documentary - Research and pre-production

Documentary pre-production


To help with research for our documentary we have been asked to view and analyze several documentary style films.
The first two I'm going to talk about we watched as a class, these being ‘The making of dark days’ by Mark Singer and ‘Pockets’ by James Lees.

‘Pockets’ A 3 minute long piece, filmed on the streets of London, with James Lees interviewing passer’s by and quizzing them on what they keep in their pockets, from mundane day to day items to the most interesting of trinkets, revealing a portion of each individuals personality and what the object means to them.

A simple yet interesting piece in my opinion, being somewhat of a social experiment the film manages to capture little pieces of each subject’s personality, giving the viewer an insight in their day to day lives and generating presumptions for each individual.

The documentary is well rehearsed and certainly wasn’t susceptible to one shot, one take style’s of interview.
The shots flutter from that of what is in the subjects pockets, to that of them speaking, or just a shot of there face.
Each shot is gorgeously filmed, clearly making use of a high-end camera, the depth of field and unusual angles adding something extra special to what would be usually perceived as quite straight forward and plain shots.

The sound quality is also brilliant; the voices are clear and sharp and don’t get lost in the inquisitive and melodic sound track, whilst the hustle and bustle atmosphere of a market adds a warm and friendly tone, evoking the sense of realism.

To summarize, I believe the piece is a light hearted and entertaining documentary and whilst to some people’s point of views, the structured nature and artistic direction may detract from the honesty and pureness from each subject’s answers, I believe with out such order, the film would be no where near as intriguing or entertaining.

Treatment and proposal – Back up idea

Documentary pre-production

We have been tasked with producing a 5-minute long documentary with the theme of ‘Liverpool Stories’.
Obviously shooting for this piece will take place in Liverpool over the space of two days, the 5th and 6th of March.

Liverpool was crowned the European capitol of culture in 2008, we plan on taking advantage of the City with its prestigious reputation and hope to create a piece documenting the finest cultural attractions in the area, ranging from galleries, museums and theaters.

We are currently waiting on hearing from the majority of possible contributors, so far asking establishments such as – Merseyside Maritime Museum, FACT, The World Museum, The Open Eye Gallery.
The Bluecoat Display Centre is the only place so far we’ve heard back from, they have noted we have the freedom to film in the gardens and outside art center and will also be allowed 30 minutes to film inside, we pushed for longer but due to the changing of exhibitions this is all we’ve been prohibited.
The bluecoat display center is a creative hub of craft and design and has been recognized as a gallery since 1959.

This specific piece’s target audience will be quite broad, ranging from young teenagers to the elderly, being a point of interest for anyone in to general culture to learning about the going’s on in Liverpool and any where in between.
The piece will aim to cover key points in the city’s cultural hot spots, highlighting the history of the place? What’s going on at the moment? How does it benefit the city and its community? What do the general public think? Etc.

The style the film will be shot like will be that of a conventional short documentary, using interviews, voice-overs, vox pops and interesting shots and angles to keep the viewer attentive.

The soundtrack will be made up of spot effects and an ambient, background track created in garage band with the use of a midi keyboard.
Nothing too heavy, a mellow and melodic track to guide the viewer through the piece.

Cast and crew

Zach Atherton Collins - Camera operator

Chris Slater – Director

James Mellors – Producer

Jord Jones – Sound production

Robbie Troth - Editor


Contact sheet

Name: Robbie Troth

Role: Director

Contact No. 07805430353


Name: James Mellors

Role: Producer

Contact No. 07960466322


Name: Christian Slater

Role: Editor

Contact No. 07518177464


Name: Jordan Jones

Role: Director Of Photography

Contact No. 07557733802


Name: Zach Atherton-Collins

Role: Sound Recorder/Designer

Contact No. 07780008150


Name: Esther Johnson

Contact No. 0114 225 2676


Name: Deborah Ballin

Contact No. 0114 225 2673


Name: Dominic Green

Contact No. 07769 845 826


Name: Neil Webb

Contact No. 0114 225 3965


Documentary Questions

Questions for Maureen

Hello, could you please tell your name, your job title and role, and tell us exactly where we are today?

Could you tell us what kind of exhibitions and content you tend to display here?

Could you tell us a brief history of the Gallery?

Could you tell us about how the gallery is linked to charity?

How do you feel the gallery benefits Liverpool as a city and the community?

Vox pop Questions

Are you aware of the bluecoat display centre?

Have you/ do visit it regularly or recently?

Do you feel it benefits the community and the city?

Time line

Charitable Aims

The Bluecoat Display Centre is a registered charity within Arts and Culture.
The objectives are:
1. Raising the public’s aesthetic appreciation in applied art and design; and
2. The provision of educational lectures, workshops and exhibitions at the Bluecoat Display Centre, Liverpool or at such other premises as the charity may from time to time occupy.
The Bluecoat Display Centre’s mission is to promote excellence in design and workmanship within the contemporary applied arts both nationally and internationally. We aim to increase the publics awareness and appreciation for the work of leading and emerging artists through exhibition, education, display and sale, and consequently to support the contemporary craft infrastructure.
Bluecoat Display Centre welcomes enquiries from organisations regarding charitable giving who empathise with these objects, and has many sponsorship opportunities connected to the exhibition and workshop programme.


The Bluecoat Display Centre originated as one of this country's earliest craft galleries in 1959. The founder of the Display Centre; Robert Gardner-Medwin, Professor of Architecture at Liverpool University, aimed to promote and display the work of leading designers of the time from a large studio in the Bluecoat Chambers. His ethos continues today, as a non profit distributing organisation promoting the finest contemporary craftwork by leading designer/makers.
Gardner-Medwin intended the work shown at the Display Centre to enhance good architecture and interior design and today we find we are still the place that leading professionals involved in Liverpool’s renaissance visit to achieve this.

What they do

The Bluecoat Display Centre is Liverpool’s only independent contemporary craft gallery. Since it was established in 1959, the Display Centre has been recognised nationally and internationally as one of the UK’s leading galleries specialising in contemporary applied arts, showing and selling some of the finest work made by professional craftspeople from the North West, across the British Isles and beyond.
Display Centre Director, Maureen Bampton and her team, continually endeavour to present new and challenging work and an annual series of changing exhibitions in a setting that is welcoming and inspiring. The creative programme is supported by a series of artist-led workshop and talks, often by artists and makers who exhibit in the gallery.


The Bluecoat Display Centre is situated in the heart of Liverpool City Centre, neighbouring the newly regenerated Liverpool One area. We are surrounded by a wealth of galleries and shops, restaurants and cafes, as well as convenient parking and public transport links.

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