Friday 9 December 2011

Contingency plan – 6:30 A.M

Contingency plan – 6:30 A.M

Once again due to this confound weather, we have been forced to change our idea, as we didn’t really want to push back recording any further.

What we decided to do instead is an indoor piece, capturing the rush of an early morning start.

‘The piece will comprise of an every day man, awakening from bed, dragging himself out with a groan and a stretch, before draining himself of bodily fluids and jumping in the shower.
He will then proceed to drying off, getting dressed and venturing in to the kitchen for a rushed breakfast.
He pops bread in the toaster, boils the kettle and in the haste of things smashes a plate.
Truly frustrating.
After scoffing his toast and downing a cup of tea, he returns to his bathroom where he cleans his teeth, he then returns to his bedroom where he puts on his shoes and coat, fills his pockets with change and keys then runs down stairs and slams the door behind him, ready for another day of facing the man.’

The feelings we hope to evoke in this piece are hopefully something everyone can relate too, that day you push snooze even though you know you shouldn’t of.
Was that extra time in bed really worth the stress of getting ready that fast?
Of course it wasn’t, but you will never admit it.
Everyone has felt this feeling of stress, which is horribly difficult to deal with after just waking up.

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