Wednesday 23 May 2012

Old mans body Not happy with how our original drama piece turned out (Super king), we decided to reshoot with a completely new idea. Cutting it close to the deadline we opted for something we could conveniently film as soon as possible, bearing this in mind we came up with a plot using locations available to us at all times and actors with no other current obligations (ourselves). Old mans body is a tense thriller situated in a grotty, anonymous cellar. The antagonist, Parkin has kidnapped his former friend Chris, who first appears tied to a chair whilst unconscious, a black bag obscuring his face with blood trickling down to his shirt. Once awake Chris struggles to escape, but cannot move from the chair and is unable to speak as he is gagged. Enter Parkin, a revenge filled maniac wielding several sharp instruments with which he intends to mutilate and torture Chris with. His reasoning behind this isn’t clear but its obvious Chris was once a friend to Parkin and must of done something horrific to rub him the wrong way in such a manner. After beating him, shouting at him, stabbing him in the side and eventually killing him, Parkin drags Chris upstairs, drives to a quiet road and dumps his corpse at the side with in some bushes. The film ends with Parkin walking down a dark alley, lighting a cigarette and trying to cope with the whole scenario. The journey taken during the film is not only one of revenge, removing the protagonist from the antagonist’s life, but also that of a literal sense as he physically dumps the body, away from his home. As a method of showing there crippled friendship we will be using many snapped elastic bands as props, representing the broken bonds of the relationship. We decided we want to include as little dialogue or back-story as possible, we feel what has happened before this situation at this point in time is irrelevant to the viewer, we want them to focus on what’s going on the exact time of viewing, relying on the mood portrayed on screen to tell the story, allowing the viewers to add to it with there own imagination and make of it what they will, is Parkin genuinely a bad guy? Or do his motifs make his actions just of sorts? We want the audience to decide. We are going to use lighting and ambience to full effect during this piece, considering the majority of it is going to be filmed in a dingy cellar we are relying on this to provide a chilling atmosphere for us to stem other emotions from. We also plan on colour correcting the footage during post to give it a washed out, grainy effect, which should hopefully help our chocolate sauce fake blood look more realistic.